About the Author

Hello Internet!

My name is Vivien Anastasiou, but I go by heavenspooky online. I’m an artist, animator, writer, and jack of all trades when it comes to all sorts of different mediums. I am an undergrad student from New Mexico who’s majoring in animation now, and who’s also a little out of the loop due to originally majoring in Biology. I’m gaining more experience when it comes to my art, and I’m also always trying to create art that I’m proud of. A lot of my art is an exploration of my thoughts and ideas that I believe is meaningful in showcasing different aspects of myself that I don’t normally do in real life. So sometimes it’s dark, hopeful, mysterious, or meaningful to me. Other times it’s art about stuff I love like monsters, horror, fantasy, animals, and a lot more. I want to create because I want to make meaningful connections with other people through my art and provide them with something cathartic or something to brighten their day.