Snowboarding up at Sipapu


Almost on a yearly basis my family and I head up to Northern New Mexico to snowboard and usually ski every January or February. Lately, we haven’t really been, but this year marked the first one we returned to after three years of not going.

For the most part I snowboard, while the rest of my family like to ski. I find the equipment to put on for a snowboard a lot more convenient than skiing, and since I already skate, I think it makes it a little easier to learn. When we returned this year, I basically needed to reteach myself how to snowboard, and it was a lot harder to get back into the grove.

On the drive home I spent my time taking pictures from my phone of the scenery I saw along the road. Looking through my camera roll made me realize that I really needed to start taking more pictures again, as it was something that I really enjoyed but for whatever reason I just stopped.